Thursday, December 26, 2019

Imf Imf And World Bank - 1255 Words

IMF OR WORLD BANK. THE PROJECT One of the World Bank or the IMF project that was developed is â€Å"Rebuilding Infrastructure.† It was set in motion to aid the rebuilding of Infrastructures in countries that were ravaged by, during and after World War II. The project (Rebuilding Infrastructure, under the supervision of IMF and World bank), was originally intended for, and as a principal supervisor on agendas such as poverty reduction, quality education, provision and availability of pure and clean water for all, steady development of employment and job availability, mechanisms to stabilize value of currency, exchange rates and facilitation of currency exchange, dispute resolution systems, Offering loans to aid economies in crises etc. NEGATIVE OUTCOME OF THE PROJECT Much plans never came to reality because of the critics and pressure coming in, which in response, IFM and Word Bank started offering loans based on strict conditions. critics did not only considered some of the initial plans of the IFM and World Bank as rather too partial and in favour to those that are largely in control of the system and owned it but argument still lingers that it could and has eventually lead to privatizations, trade liberalization, and high interest rates in so many countries today. In many African countries today, the IFM and Word Bank project has lead to dumping of cheap and substandard products in the market. Such items as clothes, shoes, creams are just amongst many others that floodShow MoreRelatedThe Imf And The World Bank Essay1297 Words   |  6 PagesGlobalization Learning Journal 2 Throughout this section of the class, the IMF and the World Bank have been studied extensively. All students have come away with different ideas about these two organizations. In the following paragraphs, I will attempt to explain my own thoughts on the IMF and the World Bank. Mainly, that their practices are insufficient for accountability and do threaten the sovereignty of certain nations. I will also attempt to explain why I think this is the case. The firstRead MoreImf And The World Bank896 Words   |  4 PagesIMF and the World Bank were created after World War II. Rebuilding nations after the war was costly and this burden needed to be shared amongst nations. With global adherence in its agenda, UK and USA proposed the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to help prevent nation in this rebuilding process. Having just experienced the Great Depression, they wanted a policy to help nations in certain crisis. One such policy was that countries that are in a financial crisis could request a shortRead MoreThe World Bank And Imf1096 Words   |  5 PagesAs a result of the inadequacies of the World Bank and IMF, Uganda today appears to be no better off today then as they were in the year(s) prior to acquiring the assistance in debt relief in 1998. According to Ana Eiras; â€Å"Despite such a monstrous display of resources, according to the index of economic freedom, the Bank’s money has done nothing to improve the economic freedom in recipient countries†. Erias goes on to make it clear that many of the country’s who have received assistance have seenRead MoreThe World Bank And The Imf Essay1328 Words   |  6 PagesThe World Bank and the IMF are collectively known as the Bretton Woods institutions. They were formed at a conference in Bretton Woods in New Hampshire with the aim to addressing concerns to do with stability of world economic markets. IMF is mainly tasked with offering surveillance, financial aid and technical assistance. IMF has 187 member states who each appoint a representative to the IMF’s board of Governors. The World Bank has its voting power controlled by the USA and it was built with theRead MoreThe Imf, Wto, And World Bank1053 Words   |  5 Pagescontrast the IMF, WTO, and World Bank The World Bank was founded at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944. The bank was first known as the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development. Their founding mission was to help countries during a post-war World War II era rebuild and reconstruct. They did this by providing loans to countries who had been destroyed during wars. Their first loan was made in 1947 to France to rebuild following World War II (World Bank Group). The World Banks’s missionRead MoreCriticism Of The World Bank And The Imf Essay808 Words   |  4 PagesAccording to Brettonwoods Projects â€Å"Criticism of the World Bank and the IMF encompasses a whole range of issues but they generally centre around concern about the approaches adopted by the World Bank and the IMF in formulating their policies, and the way they are governed† ( One may ask, are there really problem arising from the World Bank and IMF rendering services and administering relief to a nation? In the year 2013, An incident occurredRead MoreImf And World Bank Group1185 Words   |  5 PagesIMF and World Bank Group The IMF (International Monetary Fund) and World Bank were both founded in 1944, during a UN conference held in Bretton Woods in the United States. Delegates specializing in the field of economic policy attended from 44 countries, with the shared goal of establishing a framework of economic cooperation, in the hope of avoiding future financial instability on a scale witnessed during the Great Depression of the 1930’s. The IMF is currently accountable to and governed by 189Read MoreImf And World Bank Group1185 Words   |  5 PagesIMF and World Bank Group The IMF (International Monetary Fund) and World Bank were both founded in 1944, during a UN conference held in Bretton Woods in the United States. Delegates specializing in the field of economic policy attended from 44 countries, with the shared goal of establishing a framework of economic cooperation, in the hope of avoiding future financial instability on a scale witnessed during the Great Depression of the 1930’s. The IMF is currently accountable to and governed by 189Read More IMF, World Bank And Africa Essay2396 Words   |  10 PagesIMF, World Bank And Africa An avid viewer of television has seen the commercials portraying shortages of food and mass starvation in Africa. Yet in these times of relative prosperity, little is heard of Africa’s debt problem. Although the total debt of all African countries combined is small in comparison to that of the United States, millions of people suffer as a result. However, it is not until these countries have difficulty repaying their loans that the international community begins toRead MoreChallenges Faced By Imf And World Bank1784 Words   |  8 PagesChallenges faced by IMF and World bank Preface/ executive summary This report assesses the key risks facing the global financial system and how these challenges are faced by the financial institutions, IMF and World bank. The present report finds that fleeting dangers to worldwide financial stability have decreased since April 2016. The rise of commodity prices from their lows, alongside the continuous adjustments in developing markets, has upheld a recuperation in capital flows. In cutting edge

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Comparing Shakespeares Play, Hamlet and Miltons Play,...

Comparing Shakespeares Play, Hamlet and Miltons Play, Samson Agonistes: The Mental Awakenings of Hamlet and Samson In William Shakespeares play Hamlet and in John Miltons play Samson Agonistes, both title characters undergo an intellectual metamorphosis, each becoming more and more aware of the power of his mind as he learns to master it. Despite a difference of almost 50 years between the writing of each of these plays, Hamelet being composed in 1601 and Samson Agonistes not being completed until circa 1646-1648, both reflect a preoccupation of the 17th century shared by both authors, the emergence of the mind and the human reason. Hamlet, while already a scholar and a philosopher, must, in the course of his plot to revenge†¦show more content†¦And thy commandement all alone shall live Within the book and volume of my brain Unmixed with baser matter In todays modern society of meditation, Hamlets process of focusing is common practice in many fields, such as sports for example, but in the 17th century could have been considered as a important mesure of discipline to master in the newly developing Renaissance world that began to place more emphasis on the importance of human reason and a clear, undistracted mind. Early in the play, Hamlet begins a process of self-doubt (am I a coward?), which is an important and necessary part of the awakening of ones mind for this questioning forces ones mind to know why every circumstance is as it is. In the same sililoquay, he also directly summons up the forces of his brain (About, my brains), and reasons about the psychology of the human mind: hum I have heard That guilty creatures sitting at a play Have by the very cunning of the scene Been

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Legacy of Ivan the Terrible free essay sample

In the centuries following Ivans death, historians developed different theories to better understand his reign, but independent of the perspective through which one chooses to approach this, it cannot be denied that Ivan the Terrible changed Russian history and continues to live on in popular imagination. His political legacy completely altered the Russian governmental structure; his economic policies ultimately contributed to the end of the Rurik Dynasty, and his social legacy lives on in unexpected places. Arguably Ivans most important legacy can be found in the political changes he enacted in Russia. In the words of historian Alexander Yanov, Ivan the Terrible and the origins of the modern Russian political structure [are] indissolubly connected. [16] At the core of this political revolution stands the newly adopted title of Tsar. By being crowned Tsar, Ivan was sending a message to the world and to Russia: he was now the one and only supreme ruler, and his will was not to be questioned. We will write a custom essay sample on Legacy of Ivan the Terrible or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The new title symbolized an assumption of powers equivalent and parallel to those held by former Byzantine caesar and the Tatar khan, both known in Russian sources as Czar. In an effort to revive Russia nationalist pride, Ivan the Terribles image became closely associated with Joseph Stalin. [30] Ivans political revolution not only consolidated the position of Tsar, but also created a centralized government structure with ramifications extending to local government. The assumption and active propaganda of the title of Czar, transgressions and sudden changes in policy during the Oprichnina contributed to the image of the Muscovite prince as a ruler accountable only to God. [22] Subsequent Russian rulers inherited a system put in place by Ivan.

Monday, December 2, 2019

s Fashion Era

The 80’s Fashion Era The Fashion Era I chose to write about is the 80’s. This was a time when it was fashionable to have the big hair, and crazy outfits that clashed but looked acceptable. I chose the 80’s because it is a personal favorite of mine. I wish I were a teenager in the 80’s because the trends then were funky and fun. The styles of the 80’s are very distinct from any other era because this was the only time when â€Å"as much as you can is more† as opposed to â€Å"less is more†. The more bracelets you could fit on your arm, the more hairspray you use to get your hair up, the more eye shadow you could get over your eyes, and the more lace you could get on your clothing was fashionable. Now as little makeup as possible, sleek hair, and a little bit of jewelry is fashionable. The 80’s were very exaggerated in their styles; huge holes in the knee of jeans, big ruffles, neon colors, and high top sneakers are among many outrageous fashions. The fabrics used in the 80’s wasn’t much different from the fabrics used today except that a lot of lace was used in the 80’s and now lace is mainly for lingerie. All clothes were mass-produced, but most often the customer would make alterations to their clothing to make it as funky as desired. Hand made garment s were just as acceptable as designers. The fashions of the 80’s fit into people’s lifestyles because they both can be described by one word; crazy! Society was outrageous and was accepting of people’s differences more than any other previous era. The only event that had a big impact in the 80’s was the explosion of The Challenger shuttle. Everybody remembers where they were and how they felt when they heard about this significant event in 1986. The fashion industry wasn’t really affected by this event, but my guess would be that maybe astronaut suits became popular that following Halloween. The music of choice in this era was punk rock and... 's Fashion Era Free Essays on The 80\'s Fashion Era The 80’s Fashion Era The Fashion Era I chose to write about is the 80’s. This was a time when it was fashionable to have the big hair, and crazy outfits that clashed but looked acceptable. I chose the 80’s because it is a personal favorite of mine. I wish I were a teenager in the 80’s because the trends then were funky and fun. The styles of the 80’s are very distinct from any other era because this was the only time when â€Å"as much as you can is more† as opposed to â€Å"less is more†. The more bracelets you could fit on your arm, the more hairspray you use to get your hair up, the more eye shadow you could get over your eyes, and the more lace you could get on your clothing was fashionable. Now as little makeup as possible, sleek hair, and a little bit of jewelry is fashionable. The 80’s were very exaggerated in their styles; huge holes in the knee of jeans, big ruffles, neon colors, and high top sneakers are among many outrageous fashions. The fabrics used in the 80’s wasn’t much different from the fabrics used today except that a lot of lace was used in the 80’s and now lace is mainly for lingerie. All clothes were mass-produced, but most often the customer would make alterations to their clothing to make it as funky as desired. Hand made garment s were just as acceptable as designers. The fashions of the 80’s fit into people’s lifestyles because they both can be described by one word; crazy! Society was outrageous and was accepting of people’s differences more than any other previous era. The only event that had a big impact in the 80’s was the explosion of The Challenger shuttle. Everybody remembers where they were and how they felt when they heard about this significant event in 1986. The fashion industry wasn’t really affected by this event, but my guess would be that maybe astronaut suits became popular that following Halloween. The music of choice in this era was punk rock and...

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Famous Quotes of Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius

Famous Quotes of Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius Marcus Aurelius (Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus) was a respected Roman Emperor  (161–180 CE), a philosopher-king who was the last of Romes so-called Five Good Emperors.  His death in 180 was regarded as the end of the  Pax Romana  and the beginning of instability that led over time to the fall of the Western Roman Empire. The reign of Marcus Aurelius is said to have symbolized the Golden Age of the Roman Empire. Known for a Rule of Reason He engaged in a number of wars and military operations aimed at quelling restive neighbors and in a costly and obsessive campaign to extend Romes northern borders. He was not best known for his military acumen, though, but for his thoughtful nature and a rule governed by reason. During his years of military campaigns, he recorded his day-to-day, discursive, fragmentary political thoughts in Greek  in untitled writings that came to be known as his 12-volume Meditations. Revered for His Stoic Thoughts in Meditations Many revere this work as one of the worlds greatest works of philosophy and a significant contribution to the modern understanding of ancient Stoicism. He practiced Stoicism and his writings reflect this philosophy of service and duty, finding balance, and reaching a state of stability and composure in the face of conflict by following nature as inspiration. But it seems his fragmentary, discursive, epigrammatic thoughts, though revered, were not original, but a reflection of the moral tenets of Stoicism, which the slave and philosopher  Epictetus had taught him. Notable Quotes From the Works of Marcus Aurelius A noble man compares and estimates himself by an idea that is higher than himself; and a mean man, by one lower than himself. The one produces aspiration; the other ambition, which is the way in which a vulgar man aspires. Accept the things to which fate binds you  and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart. Adapt yourself to the things among which your lot has been cast and love sincerely the fellow creatures with whom destiny has ordained that you shall live. Anything in any way beautiful derives its beauty from itself and asks nothing beyond itself. Praise is no part of it, for nothing is made worse or better by praise. Because your own strength is unequal to the task, do not assume that it is beyond the powers of man; but if anything is within the powers and province of man, believe that it is within your own compass also. Begin. To begin is half the work, let half still remain; again begin this, and thou wilt have finished. Constantly regard the universe as one living being, having one substance and one soul; and observe how all things have reference to one perception, the perception of this one living being; and how all things act with one movement  and how all things are the cooperating causes of all things that  exist; observe too the continuous spinning of the thread and the contexture of the web. Death is a release from the impressions of the senses, and from desires that make us their puppets, and from the vagaries of the mind, and from the hard service of the flesh. Despise not death, but welcome it, for nature wills it like all else. Everything that exists is in a manner the seed of that which will be. Everything that happens happens as it should, and if you observe carefully, you will find this to be so. Execute every act of thy life as though it were thy last. Forward, as occasion offers. Never look round to see whether any shall note it...Be satisfied with success in even the smallest matter, and think that even such a result is no trifle. He who fears death either fears the loss of sensation or a different kind of sensation. But if thou shalt have no sensation, neither wilt thou feel any harm; and if thou shalt acquire another kind of sensation, thou wilt be a different kind of living being and thou wilt not cease to live. It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live. Let it be your constant method to look into the design of peoples actions and see what they would be at, as often as it is practicable; and to make this custom the more significant, practice it first upon yourself. Let men see, let them know  a real man, who lives as he was meant to live. Look back over the past, with its changing empires that rose and fell, and you can foresee the future, too. Loss is nothing else but change, and change is Natures delight. Natural ability without education has more often raised a man to glory and virtue than education without natural ability. Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present. Nothing happens to any man that he is not formed by nature to bear. Nothing has such power to broaden the mind as the ability to investigate systematically and truly all that comes under thy observation in life. Nowhere can man find a quieter or more untroubled retreat than in his own soul. Observe constantly that all things take place by change, and accustom thyself to consider that the nature of the Universe loves nothing so much as to change the things that are  and to make new things like them. Perhaps there are none more lazy, or more truly ignorant, than your everlasting readers. Such as are your habitual thoughts, such also will be the character of your mind; for the soul is dyed by the thoughts. The act of dying is one of the acts of life. The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature. The universal order and the personal order are nothing but different expressions and manifestations of a common underlying principle. The universe is transformation; our life is what our thoughts make it. There are three classes into which all the women past 70 that ever I knew were to be divided: 1. That dear old soul; 2. That old woman; 3. That old witch. Time is a sort of river of passing events, and strong is its current; no sooner is a thing brought to sight than it is swept by and another takes its place, and this, too, will be swept away. We are too much accustomed to attribute to a single cause that which is the product of several, and the majority of our controversies come from that. When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive- to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. Where a man can live, he can also live well. You have power over your mind- not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. Your life is what your thoughts make it.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

compare contrast on washington essays

compare contrast on washington essays Perhaps the one thing that George Washington and Jean-Paul Marat share most commonly is that they have both taken part in a revolution, even though those revolutions had been on different continents, an ocean apart. George Washington was present during the American Revolution, just like Jean-Paul Marat was there when the French Revolution occurred. But where Washington was a warrior, a general and a commander of an army, Marat was a writer. Both of these were strong and powerful men who have single-handedly changed the history, as well as the map, of the world. Both of these men were intelligent and knew how to play right in the harsh times of despair and despondency. Washington realized early in the civil war that the best strategy he was to use was to harass the British. He continued to do so in the battlefield as well as in the political arena. He was one of the most vigorous advocates of the constitution and he was perhaps the prime mover of the steps that led to the Constitutional Convention at Philadelphia in 1787. It was due to his hard work and his loyalty to the nation that he was elected as the First President of the United States. It were due to his personality and his dedicated lifestyle that he was able to lead the nation into victory and help it establish a constituency that was free and is still free to this day today. Marat, on the other hand, was a journalist, writer and a doctor. His influence amongst the elite of France was what led him to become interested in the politics of the country. He had written many books and essays on the human soul and it were these philosophical thoughts that led him into joining the politics of France in hopes of making it better. He was a very active person before as well as during the French Revolution. He gave the French an idea of meritocracy and told them that it was all right for the people and normal citizens to have a say in the politics o ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Usability evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Usability evaluation - Essay Example Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is a recognized branch of computer engineering which defines various standards to ensure a safe, effective, efficient, appealing and enjoyable user experience while interacting with a computer application or surfing over the internet.Closely related to HCI is the field of usability engineering which ensures user friendliness through effective and efficient Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) or Web Interfaces. Carroll has narrated the aims and objectives of HCI in these words, â€Å"HCI is the study and practice of usability. It is about understanding and creating software and other technology that people will want to use, will be able to use, and will find effective when used† (Carroll, 2002). The intelligent web design is an inevitable business necessity in this age of e-commerce. More often than not better and efficient web design is a matter of existence for businesses. Carey has pointed out the importance of user-friendliness in web applicati ons, â€Å"Businesses must pay attention to the functionality and usability of Internet-based tasks, because the young consumers of tomorrow’s markets will insist on doing business on the Internet and will be intolerant of dysfunctional and unusable systems.† (Carey et. al., 2003, p.360). Usability Evaluation Methods The methodical approach is a mandatory requirement for evaluating web pages. Heuristic Evaluation, Think-aloud and Performance testing are few among these evaluation methods. Each of these methods uses predefined rules to evaluate the website for its ease-of-use and other usability characteristics and have its relative accuracy in evaluating web sites usability. We can also employ a blend of these methods for evaluation purpose which may give us better insight into various met and unmet evaluation standards. This report will use a discounted heuristic method blended with think-aloud method where needed. The discounted heuristic blended with think-aloud will result in a protocol which will assess the website resources for a predefined set of heuristics and the same set of heuristics may be questioned from the naive users of think-aloud method. Usability Evaluation 1. Resource-I ( a) Consistency of presentation and controls i. The home page of Sentencing Council is loosely consistent. The hovering effect of various con trols is not consistent, on top level links of Home, Contact us etc. it is simple underlining with same text displayed as the feedback to the user the effect is background color change in menu controls like â€Å"About the Sentencing Council†, â€Å"About Sentencing†, etc. Similarly, the punctuation is not consistent at the site. ii. Blue and Gray colors are used consistently but there are used interchangeably i.e for headings and subheadings. iii. The overall impact of the color scheme and the text is consistent. Font size and style remained consistent over the home page. iv. Image used on home page is not tightly linked with the theme of the site. A keyboard with papers on it does not present a sentencing council perfectly. v. A quite large image of interrogation sign used at home page is a bit misleading it does not take you anywhere and creates a sort frustration for the user. b) Adequate Feedback i. There is not enough feedback provided to the user on home page. i i. Hovering is used to show the expected next click of the user but it is not clearly told where this click may navigate the user. iii. The hovering screen tip text is same as that of the label so it does not provide any additional information to the user. c) Natural organization of the information i. The information on the page is well managed ii. A clear page heading, subheadings, labels and menu bar, title heading are provided to clearly define various sections of information. iii. Each section of site provides only related information d) Contextual navigation i. There is enough contextual navigation available on the home page but without any feedback. e) Efficient

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Assignment 1 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 26

1 - Assignment Example There has to be accurate harmonization between jobs as well as vertical smooth communication amongst job levels in order to obtain inter-functional coordination. The meaning of this is that the management of an organization must be used to gaps of employment such as shortages, surplus, or even deficiencies in between levels of jobs as well as job categories. (Zeiger, 2014) For this to be achieved there is the requirement for knowledge of, as well as control over the workforce elements as well as their individual connections. If decisions are to be made in the absence of such inter- connections linked between job levels as well as job categories, the outcome will be a labor force which is disgustingly out of balance in terms of moreover a qualitative sense or a quantitative sense. The decisions that are made for the adjustment of gaps of employment are dependent on, together the external sources of employment as well as the internal sources of employment. For instance, if decisions are poorly conceived, the outcome could be the impossibility of promoting from within caused by understaffing. Another reason for this could be absence of employee training at certain job levels or in certain job categories (Zeiger, 2014). The lack of ability to promote from the inside is a clear implication of additional expenditure for the firm caused by requirement of external recruitment as well as the lack of progression for the employees in the organization. Decisions on job categories and levels are critical to the conduct as well as results of the HRP since they are a way to achieve the goals o the organization. Their absence is likely to lead to a workforce that is imbalanced. In addition, they help cut costs of the organization through internal recruitment and create employee

Sunday, November 17, 2019

How can TQM be Applied to Entrepreneurship Essay Example for Free

How can TQM be Applied to Entrepreneurship Essay Total Quality Management Defined Total Quality management refers to a management process and array of disciplines that are harmonized to ensure that the organization constantly meets and exceeds customer requirements. TQM connects all divisions, departments and levels of the organization. Good management organizes all of its strategy and operations around customer requirements and builds a culture with high employee participation. TQM companies are focused on the methodical management of data of all processes and practices to remove waste and follow constant improvement. Entrepreneurship Defined Entrepreneurship is defined as the process of creating something new with value by devoting the required time and effort, assuming the associated financial, psychic, and social risks, and receiving the resulting rewards of financial and personal satisfaction and independence. (Hisrich et al, 2005) TQM Application to Entrepreneurship: An Introduction Nowadays entrepreneurs are concerned about total quality management. This involves the pursuit of total customer satisfaction, constant improvement of products and the full involvement of every employee. As Total Quality Management has shown to be a useful process for improving organizational performance, its value can only be guaranteed through a wide-ranging and well  ¬thought-out execution process.   An initial step in TQM implementation is to evaluate the organizations existing reality: relevant prerequisites have to do with the organizations history, its present requirements, swift events leading to TQM, and the existing employee quality of working life. If the existing reality does not include important prerequisites, TQM implementation should be postponed until the organization is in a state in which TQM is likely to thrive. If an organization has a history of efficient receptiveness to the environment, and if it has been able to effectively change the way it functions when needed, TQM will be easier to apply. If an organization has been traditionally imprudent and has no skill at improving its operating systems, there will be both employee uncertainty and a lack of skilled change agents. If this condition exists, a broad program of management and leadership development may be established. A management audit (Sugarman, 1988) is a good evaluation tool to see current levels of organizational functioning and areas in need of change. An organization should be in essence healthy before beginning TQM. If it has major problems such as a very unsteady funding base, poor administrative systems, lack of managerial skill, or poor employee morale, TQM would not be fitting. All the same, a particular level of stress is perhaps desirable to start TQM: people need to feel a need for a change. Kanter (1983) focus on this phenomenon by describing building blocks which are present in efficient organizational change. These forces include departures from tradition, an emergency or galvanizing incident, strategic decisions, individual prime movers, and action vehicles. Departures from tradition are activities, generally at lower levels of the organization, which happens when entrepreneurs move outside the normal ways of operating to solve a problem. A predicament, if it is not too disabling, can also help create a sense of necessity which can activate people to act. In the case of TQM, this may be a funding cut or threat, or demands from consumers or other stakeholders for enhanced quality of service. After a crisis, a leader may get involved strategically by expressing a new vision of the future to help the organization deal with it. A plan to execute TQM may be such a strategic decision. Such a leader may then become a prime mover, who takes charge in advocating the new idea and showing others how it will help them get where they want to go. Lastly, action vehicles are needed: mechanisms or structures to facilitate the change to happen and become institutionalized. TQM Visionary Leadership Leadership is an important element in successful implementation of sweeping change. The leader shows the need and sets the vision, outlining the basic purpose, objectives, and factors or requirements of TQM. The leader needs to take a long-term outlook, and must be able to inspire others to stick with the process during early stages when resistance and obstacles may seem overwhelming. The favored leadership style would be a participative one, so that staff may be involved in the design of the particular system elements. Once that strategic direction has been established, a participative style may be used on implementation details. Before this decision, obviously, the manger should study TQM, talk to others who have used it, and possibly attend a preliminary training session. This is important in order for the manager to precisely assess the fit between TQM and his style. This will be necessary in establishing an organizational culture which is in agreement with TQM, promoting and strengthening continuous quality improvement (Cohen and Brand, 1993, 118). Conclusions To sum up, first assess requirements and the existing state of the organization to make sure the need for change is clear and that TQM is a proper strategy. Leadership styles and organizational culture must be congruent with TQM.   Entrepreneurs will need to keep their commitment, keep the process visible, provide necessary support, and hold people responsible for results. Use input from stakeholder as possible; and maximize employee involvement in design of the system.   TQM should be principle motivated. It can be a powerful technique for giving a free rein to employee ingenuity and potential, reducing bureaucracy and costs, and improving service to clients and the community. References Cohen, S. Brand, R. (1993), Total Quality Management in Government. San Francisco: Jossey ¬Bass, Inc. Hisrich, R. D., M. P. Peters and D. A. Shepherd, 2005, Entrepreneurship, 6th Edition, New York: McGraw-Hill. Kanter, R. (1983), The Change Masters. New York: Simon Schuster. Sugarman, B. (1988), The Well Managed Human Service Organization: Criteria for a Management Audit, Administration in Social Work. 12(2), 17 ¬27.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Capital Punishment Essays - Benefits of the Death Penalty :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays

Capital Punishment Essays - Benefits of the Death Penalty    In the eighteenth century,England would punish by death for pickpocketing and petty theft. Ever since the 1650's colonist could be put to death for denying the true god or cursing their parents advocates. Capital Punishment have clashed almost continuously in the forum of public opinion in state legislatures and most recently in courts. In 1972,the case of furman vs.Georgia reached the supreme court. The court decided that punishment by death did indeed violate the eighth amendment to containing that "excessive fines imposed,nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted." By this decision death sentences all over the country were set aside. The three most common death penalties are the gas chamber,lethal injection,and the electric chair. Capital punishment has become an increasingly controversial issue over many decades. The problem lies between, is the death penalty being accepted in murder cases or ruled out completely. While some people feel that Capital Punishment will not discourage crime, Capital punishment should be legalized in all states, because it is morally just and it will deter crime.    The many opponents of capital punishment who are against it feel that the death penalty is not a deterrent and that it is barbariaertic of the past. It has no place in a civilized society today. One of the biggest arguments against capital punishment is people feel that it violates the eighth amendment which forbids cruel and unusual punishment. People against Capital Punishment believe the death penalty is absurd and is in un-christian practice. Further more, they feel society should not" encourage sentiments of vengenance cater to morbid interest in ritual execution." Criminologists also built a strong case that the threat of death failed to deter murder, anymore effectively than prison. Therefore, to inflict harm to one,it is simply useless.    However, the punishment fits the crime therefore, it is morally just. Capital punishment is an expression of society's moral outrage at offensive conduct. This may be appealing to many but it is essential in an ordered society. It asks our citizens to rely on legal procedures rather than to self-help their wrongs doings. It is morally right to sentence a person to the death penalty who has commited a serious crime as murder. If someone has murdered a person it is unethical to let the murderer live when you have an innocent person who is dead. Capital Punishment has to be based entirely on consideration of justice and morality.    Finally, the death penalty is a deterrent against crimes. Statistics show that the crime rate is reduced in all states that hold the death penalty.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Advertising and Leo Burnett Essay

1.0Introduction First of all, an advertising agency is uniquely and meaningfully from the client, provides an outside point of view to the effort of sell clients ‘ products or services. Besides that, an agency also can deal with overall marketing and branding strategies and promotional activities for its clients, for the example of Leo Burnett. Leo Burnett is Malaysia’s leading international advertising agencies through about 95 offices in almost 85 countries, is owned by advertising conglomerate Publicis (, 2013). It also helped create some of the top consumer brands such as Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes cereal and Tony the Tiger icon. The clients of Leo Burnett are Maybank, Petronas, Hotlink, Maxis, Taylors’ college, Marlboro and so on. They are all about that special connection between brands and consumer. Their mission is the â€Å"best in the world, without exception, in brand buyers turning into brand believers,† and will not be using its proprietary brand of belief systems. According to Stephen Gatfield, their vision reflects his personal brand-building expertise and constant enhancements will ensure that its customers get a higher return on the deal in advertising. Based on the research, Leo Burnett won the Overall Agency of the Year 2012 at the Advertising and Marketing Awards Malaysia. 2.0Description of job titles and functions See more:  Mark Twain’s Humorous Satire in Running for Governor Essay The top of agency is usually led by a CEO, 2 junior presidents, and some different functional area such as executive creative director, managing director, chief operating officer, and chief executive officer. 2.1Executive Creative Director Leo Burnett has some of the most important key accounts in the world, for the example Yasmin Ahmad. She was a talent film director, writer and scriptwriter from and was also the executive creative director at Leo Burnett Kuala Lumpur. She worked at the company for 51 years, since 1958 to 2009. She brought some of the national oil company and the most remarkable advertisements for Petronas by Leo Burnett. It has won multiple awards within Malaysia and internationally so today put them as one of the top institutions in Malaysia. In the mean time, we know that her television commercials and films are well known in Malaysia because of their comedy, kindness and love. Recently, Eric Cruz is joining Leo Burnett in Malaysia as Executive Creative Director. Therefore, his work focuses on the connection between art and design, moving images and exploring new things in media hybrids. According to Tan Kien Eng, Leo Burnett’s CEO, he says that Eric’s unique bring together of experience having worked with some of the world’s leading agencies across some of the most creatively-vibrant markets sets him apart. He has provided a strong global work and is deeply impressive performance in Asian cultures. 2.2Managing Director Robert Kay has joined Leo Burnett in Malaysia and he is new managing director. In the past years, he has worked for some of world Class Company and includes control marketing and product development for Australasia. In the mean time, based on the research, I found that he not only as account leader for Saatchi & Saatchi also as leader of one of Asia’s most awarded marketing-services companies. Besides that, Robert Kay is a very well-known person in the company because of his passion for creativity. The most important thing is the brand has allowed him to connect with some of the popular brand in beverage industry such as Coca-Cola and Carlsberg Tetley, technology such as Hp and car industry such as Mercedes-Benz & Fiat. Thus, his work mostly focuses on providing leadership on strategic problem and looks for new business opportunity. 2.3Chief Operating Officer Recently, the company has selected Michelle Ong as chief operating officer and also overseeing operations. In fact, his work are focus on reinventing workflow process while cooperation with colleagues in the company. Furthermore, she also needs to focus on key MNC brands such as McDonald’s, Dutch Lady Malaysia, and Procter & Gamble (P&G). Based on the research, she has over 15 years of strong communications experience and builds a different range of brands, have work with Ogilvy & Mather and McCann World group in the past years. 2.4Chief Executive Officer Leo Burnett’s chief executive officer is Tan Kien Eng. He has grown the resourceful reputation of his work with more than 20 years of industry experience. In the mean time, he also creates a team to build Arc Worldwide Malaysia as the number one direct agency for three years in Malaysia. According to Tan Kien Eng, he believes that a company with growth must come with freedom. He starts from the growth of our people and our customers ‘ business growth in order to develop the Leo Burnett brand. In Leo Burnett, he has also strengthened account servicing and creative sides. In the mean time, He also helped OgilvyOne to establish the creative reputation successful in Asia Pacific and made OgilvyOne number one in Malaysia. In the past years of advertising world, we play a role in the planning, and today because we have introduced strategic planning capability of the client has started to become more dependent on the strategic account Director. Therefore, he is focus on the next phase of growth for Leo Burnett Group Malaysia now. 3.0Conclusion As a conclusion, according to Leo Burnett, it mentioned that a good advertising does not just circulate information. It penetrates the public mind with needs and belief. In my opinion, I think that using an advertising agency can save time for a business because not needs to spend more time develop an advertising campaign. In the mean time, an advertising agency also can help us save a lot of money as agencies can get more discounts by radio or TV stations so they can get cheaper price than people in direct contact. Furthermore, advertising agencies also can help us to develop a brand in the market. It also can help us research and provide us to target the most effective market.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Discussions of race and community relations in all facets of American life are often limited to generalized attitudes that are interracial

Discussions of race and community relations in all facets of American life are often limited to generalized attitudes that are at base, interracial. That is to say, the dominant, or white culture, sets standards for the perceived subordinate culture. The expectation is that all cultures that make up the United States must adhere to what is American in order to benefit from the promises of America and its Constitution, that of liberty and prosperity. To complicate matters, the dominant culture also dictates who reaps the benefits of Americanism, despite behavior. Throughout American history there have been many folks who challenge such notions for the sake of a single cause. Whether it is the abolition of slavery, women's suffrage, or education and housing reform, protest, or the ability of an oppressed group to say â€Å"no† to injustice and lack of choice grounded this nation. While on the surface such protests are commendable and admirable, an undercurrent exists that is usually left unchecked. Freedom to earn money and prosper as well as own land is within ones rights as an American that have been upheld as â€Å"self-evident. What complicates such a simplistic and arguably accessible accomplishment is that one group determines how far another group can go, the extent its members can be successful. This notion of superiority is seen within cultures in this country as well. When discussing the history of Blacks in America, the legacy of slavery must be acknowledged as a constant line feeding into ideas of superiority. Such ideas permeate attitudes of whites towards blacks, yet ironically; it also nourishes beliefs within the black community and causes the drawing of class distinctions. Adopting the attitudes and beliefs of ones oppressors and pinning such expectations –not being open to examining and maintaining ones own culture in the midst of or in spite of a dominant culture contributes to the holding back of progress. It can be construed that uplifting the race, based on white paternalistic notions of respectability serves a very limited purpose. Ignoring or attempting to eradicate free black Americans relatively young past in order to accept and uphold standards designed for another culture, namely the dominant one, only serves to polarize an already fragmented culture. Since before freedom, free blacks in the North established class lines comparable to their white counterparts. There was a clear black aristocracy made up of well-educated, wealthy and professional blacks. Many determined that the closer they were to white culture the more superior, much like the stratification that existed on slave plantations when the slaves who possessed the lighter complexions found themselves working closer to the master and his family. Such slaves often experienced privileges that the darker-skinned slaves could not even imagine. The legacy of slavery is most prevalent as class distinctions are drawn among blacks. Where this is seen even more, ironically at time just a half-century beyond slavery, is during the Great Migration. Many established northern blacks saw themselves as successful, having achieved middle class status. While working on uplifting the race to a level of respectability, that is, a most acceptable group among middle class whites, they adhered to faith, hope, and charity. Faith occurred in the form of the church, hope in the manner in which many experienced prosperity, and charity, that which was offered the less fortunate migrants fresh from the cotton fields, who needed to be groomed for proper behavior. Even with faith, hope, and charity, like their white counterparts, the sense of superiority among the established black community made it clear that only a select few would reap the benefits of the liberty and prosperity promised to all. Eastern cities like Washington, DC had a clear distinction between free blacks and the black aristocracy. The lines were drawn with regard to churches one attended, clubs in which one belonged, and neighborhoods where one could purchase homes. Likewise, whites, too, determined class lines based on what they deemed appropriate behavior of the Negro. For example, in 1916 Mary Church Terrell, daughter of one of America's first black millionaires, was refused service at a drug store soda fountain. She and her husband formally protested to the store manager, who immediately apologized for the clerk and said, â€Å"We do not care to serve people of any race at our fountain who are not genteel, but such objection certainly could not obtain against your wife, yourself and any high class colored person† (Gatewood 67). Clearly for some whites the aristocrat of color warranted different and better treatment than did ordinary blacks. In black communities throughout the US, old established families occupied a position of aristocracy. As a black observer noted, â€Å"almost all communities possess a few thoroughbred families who glory in lineal ancestry and carry wherever they go the tone and flavor of unconscious refinement, pride, that manifest their culture, achievement, behavior, and ancestry. Family trees genealogical charts often included an assortment of European noblemen, white American statesmen, African kings, and Indian Chieftains. Even Chicago where there is nothing old, I found the same spirit† (Higgenbotham 70). In Chicago the black population in 1880 was 6480 and increased seven-fold by 1910. There were groups called the 400, the upper 10's, and the high-toned people. (Higgenbotham 117). Stratification in black society, one Chicago editor noted was â€Å"proceeding along its natural course exactly analogous, or at least similar to, the formation of social groups of the white race in this country† (Gatewood 124). The Great Migration forced the established Black community in Chicago to make major adjustments and accommodations. Historically, black churches and civic groups had, like their counterparts in the South, resisted any involvement in social issues. The arrival of hundreds of thousands of migrants, however, simply could not be ignored; churches, being African- Americans richest and most influential institutions, were quickly called to action in the effort to help migrants properly adjust themselves to life in Chicago. Blacks already living in Chicago, Old Settlers were aware of the implications of the Great Migration. The Old Settlers strove to establish respect from whites and a sense of equality within the city's socio-economics system. With the arrival of southern blacks, most of whom were unfamiliar with urban mores, the Old Settlers feared that the progress they had achieved would be dashed. They feared that all whites would equate all blacks with the rural and uneducated migrants. Moreover, the Old Settlers realized the enormous strains placed on many of the migrants who arrived lacking a place to live or a sense of direction in the achievement of personal stability. This is where the church and civic organizations played a big role in offering shelter, food, and clothes to the migrants until they could do for themselves. These organizations provided services for migrants, such as assisting them in obtaining a job. They did it for charity yet the self-interest; yet capitalism was ever present. Borrowing from ideologies of Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. DuBois, the church and civic groups adopted the lifting as we climb approach. For men it was good for business, for the women, status was most crucial so they were motivated by position in the community to be charitable. This is many ways mimics the white progressives whose Christian-based affect was prevalent in their charitable work. Likewise, a certain sense of hypocrisy and fear of association influenced the intentions and efforts to Americanize, or make the migrants Chicagoans, the people they were assisting, often resulted in a miscarriage of sensitivity to the values of an established culture. Gwendolyn Wright in her text Building the Dream offers that such reformers â€Å"did bring much genuine concern, but they brought moralistic middle-class biases to their crusade† (Wright 129). This attitude had an impact on the housing issue for blacks in Chicago as lines were drawn, gates were built, and people were shut out. For so many, Chicago was the land of promise and potential. The dream of liberty and prosperity seemed very close at hand as hopeful migrants left their homes in the Deep South. They met many established Blacks in Northern urban centers who â€Å"visualized the progress of their race in terms of education, personal economic success, judicious political action, and co-operation with powerful and influential white people† (Drake 51). From 1890 to 1920 economic, political, and social lives of blacks in Chicago underwent tremendous transformation. (Knupfer 30). It was believed that the influx of blacks had â€Å"Negroes rapidly replacing foreigners as Chicago's problem† (Drake 60). Given this information, advancing the race became an issue and many aristocratic and middle-class blacks felt the dichotomy of being black in America much like their foreign counterparts; allegiance to an ethnic group as well as to America. The result of this duality lead to the class divisions reminiscent of the days of slavery. The select few living life much like the whites or aspiring to do so and many left behind eating the scraps, when they could get them.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Describe How Active Participation Benefits An Individual Essay Example

Describe How Active Participation Benefits An Individual Essay Example Describe How Active Participation Benefits An Individual Essay Describe How Active Participation Benefits An Individual Essay Introduction Recent decennaries have seen a greater accent on service user engagement than had antecedently been the instance ( Beresford, 2001 ) . In the yesteryear, determination devising in societal attention and associated policy development had been led by practicians, politicians and faculty members, with service users and citizens holding minimum say in what services they received and how services were provided ( Beresford, 2001 ) . This survey examines how active engagement of service users has developed over the last 20-30 old ages and how the advancement made in encouraging engagement has benefited persons and the overall quality of service proviso. For the intents of this survey, there is chiefly a focal point on the service user as the person who engages in active engagement although it should be accepted that household members and carers have their ain offprint and sometimes conflicting demands for engagement ( Roulstone et al. , 2006 ) . Service users are described by Beresford ( 2001, p.9 ) as â€Å"people who receive or are eligible to have societal attention services† and it is of import to observe that people can self-identify as a service user. However, active engagement of people outside of the wellness and societal attention sphere will besides be discussed as there is grounds that engagement in community activities can be good to citizens who are non in reception of societal attention services. Policy and Legislation A displacement towards more active engagement has a footing in the policies and statute law introduced under New Labour. Government took a position that greater engagement would be a manner of increasing the figure of citizens who would be active citizens ( Millward, 2005 ) and the Health and Social Care Act 2001 was at the head of widening service user pick and the enablement of people to make up ones mind on their ain services through strategies such as Direct Payments. Other relevant statute law and counsel has included the White PaperOur Health, Our Care Our Say( Department of Health, 2006 ) ;Valuing Peoples( Department of Health, 2001 ) ; theNational Service Framework for Older Peoples( Department of Health, 2001 ) . With specific mention to societal attention,Puting Peoples First( 2007 ) set out a committedness to closer working between cardinal and local authorities, and the wellness and societal attention sectors, aboard better partnership working with service users and carer s. More late, under the Coalition Government audiences such asA vision for societal attention: Capable communities and active citizens( DH, 2010 ) andCaring for our hereafter: Shared aspirations for attention and support( DH, 2011 ) have continued to promote engagement with an outlook that it can assist people to populate healthier and more independent lives. It is apparent from cross-party support that active engagement is something supported across the political spectrum. Engagement is seen as something that encourages better citizenship and it can besides be argued that it offers a signifier of low degree democracy. Engagement is besides something that pulls back direct province intercession in people’s lives. What is Active Participation? Active engagement can be defined in a figure of ways and can be related to both persons who are in reception of wellness and societal attention services and those who live independently in the community without service proviso. Definitions such as ‘consultation’ , ‘partnership’ and ‘involvement’ are frequently used to explicate engagement ( Roberts, 2002 ) . In societal attention footings engagement might be seen as leting and single to hold control over twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours determinations such as what clip repasts would be taken or when personal attention services would be delivered ; at a more strategic degree, engagement might affect giving a say in how services are commissioned and delivered to a wider group of service users ( Mordey and Crutchfield, 2004 ) . Service user audience groups or local forums for citizens to discourse how services are prioritised and delivered are illustrations of this broader degree of active en gagement. The Social Care Institute for Excellence ( SCIE ) has developed some utile definitions for engagement. It uses the word engagement as being â€Å"to talk about actively working together on a peculiar undertaking or activity† ( SCIE 2004, p.2 ) . It besides sets out a figure of cardinal values and rules which should inform engagement work. These include a belief in citizenship ; the publicity of authorization ; developing a human rights civilization in societal attention ; giving equal precedence to all sentiment ; developing new attacks to engagement ; being inclusive ; and doing it clear what people can and can non be involved in ( SCIE 2004 ) . The concluding point is of import. Active engagement is justly seen as a positive development for service users but there still has to be a line where administrations can do determinations irrespective of service user engagement. Adult safeguarding is an illustration of this, where sometimes determinations may hold to be made without the engagement of an person in order to protect his or her public assistance. However, the nexus between engagement and societal work values is a positive 1. It suggests that engagement is grounded in a committedness to human rights and equality, something that should convey benefits to the persons who take up the chance to take part. SCIE besides draws a differentiation between the different types of engagement that can be found in societal attention, proposing that engagement can run from supplying information and actively listening to serve user positions, to supplying aid or even fiscal support to let people to research or supply services ( SCIE, 2004 ) . Engagement can besides be applied to a scope of service user groups including older people, kids and households, people with disablements and people with drug and intoxicant abuse jobs ( SCIE, 2004 ) . The Personalisation Agenda The personalisation docket in wellness and societal attention has been critical in advancing the thought of active engagement. Personalisation is chiefly a new manner of supplying societal attention support which puts the individual necessitating a service at the Centre of the appraisal procedure and allows persons and their carers a existent say in placing their demands and doing picks about how services will be provided ( Carr, 2010 ) . It recognises that people are persons with diverse strengths and penchants, and aims to authorise people through better proviso of information and protagonism, early intercession to acquire the right support in topographic point and besides recognizing the rights of carers ( SCIE, 2012 ) . Given these purposes of personalisation, one of the cardinal benefits for the person would be holding greater control over services provided and accordingly there being a greater opportunity of the rights services being provided, with positive results. Another car dinal point about personalisation and engagement is that it still has to be facilitated by bureaus and policy shapers. Equally much as people may desire to take part in service bringing or more merely merely in community work, they still require the tools to make so and besides the liberty to do their ain determinations. Benefits of Engagement Greater engagement in how services are delivered can convey a figure of benefits to service users. Active engagement can assist develop more customer/service user-friendly versions of bing services and give persons more say in how their services are run and how they can entree them. Participation gives service users – who are besides tax-payers – a greater say on how money is spent on services in their country and besides helps persons go co-designers and co-producers of the services that they use ( Leadbetter, 2004 ) . At a wider degree, it can be argued that active engagement allows for self-organization by communities, instead than service proviso being dictated by external bureaus or distant cardinal authorities. Engagement besides supports the development of greater citizenship. Engagement and influence over how public financess are spent can be seen as being an of import portion of the democratic procedure and the construct of citizenship lends itself to ideals of equity and corporate proviso which are embedded in public services. For the person, engagement in public service can increase a sense of civic fond regard and impress on the person what it means to be a member of a democratic society ( Leadbetter, 2004 ) . Engagement and Young Peoples Discussions around personalisation and engagement by and large have an accent on the engagement of grownup service users but active engagement can besides hold a positive impact for immature people who entree societal attention support and services. Legislation and counsel including the Children Act 1989 and the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child have a focal point on the child’s right to take part in determination devising and there are a figure of benefits for both immature people and the administrations that provide services. For immature people, active engagement can assist them derive new accomplishments and experience, develop assurance and influence the determinations that affect their lives. They can develop societal webs and get down to understand how organisations work. Engagement can besides quite merely be merriment for immature people, and it can assist them experience valued and empowered ( Wright et al. , 2005 ) . Active engagement can be peculiarly good for kids and immature people who might be consider as disadvantaged or vulnerable. Groups such as looked after kids, immature wrongdoers, attention departers, immature carers and homosexual and sapphic immature people are easy marginalised and many bureaus tend to direct them instead than prosecute with them. They face a figure of barriers to participation such as a deficiency of motive to prosecute ; misgiving of grownups and a feeling that their positions will non be listened to because of their past experiences ( McNeish, 1999 ) . Research surveies highlight a figure of positives from single engagement undertakings which could be used as a benchmark for future enterprises. In Hampshire for illustration, a Care Action Team ( CAT ) was established bring together members and officer from the County Council to work with people who were in, or had been in attention. Regular meetings to garner the positions of immature people led to a figure of betterments in how services to immature people were delivered. These included development of a new sleepover policy doing it easier for looked after kids to pass the dark with friends ; engagement of immature people in the review of children’s places, and a Children’s Homes Education Policy which improved the educational support for looked after kids. A more general betterment from the constitution of the CAT was that immature people developed a greater sense of worth and consciousness that they were non entirely in their experiences ( Wright et al. , 2005 ) . For administrations, promoting active engagement by immature people can besides convey betterments to serve bringing. It helps them go more antiphonal to the demands of kids and immature people ; it increases the handiness of administration and makes them more efficient in supplying effectual services ( Wright et al. , 2005 ) . Active Engagement in the Community Active engagement has benefits for society every bit good as the persons involved. We live in a state with an ageing population and many older people have greater outlook of both chance and support from public services in ulterior life. An Audit Commission study ( 2004, p.2 ) stated that â€Å"the displacement in proportion, composing and attitudes of the older age group has profound deductions for public services. We need to get down taking action now to determine things for the better† . Active engagement does non merely associate to people who are in demand or reception of societal attention services nevertheless. Engagement in the community can besides profit persons who do non necessitate societal attention proviso. Many older people for illustration, benefit from active engagement in their local communities and authorities surveies have suggested that active engagement is linked to the overall wellbeing of persons ( Audit Commission, 2004 ) . A figure of schemes can be developed to promote independency and engagement for older people. These can include work to back up people guaranting that they have a safe comfy place, and live in a vicinity near to friends and comfortss. Good public conveyance webs allow people to acquire out and about whilst societal and leisure activities promote societal inclusion. Information for older people on how to entree comfortss encourages active engagement as bash healthy life enterprises which help people to remain active and healthy ( Audit Commission, 2004 ) . Active engagement for older people is besides a manner of undertaking the agism that exists in society. Engagement allows people to experience valued and able to dispute stereotypes that older people offer less to society that younger people. Engagement allows them to hold a say in determinations made about them both as persons and as a wider group in society. A Department of Pensions study published in 2009 identified LinkAge Plus ( LAP ) pilots as enterprises which enable older people to go more active in their communities ( Willis and Dalziel, 2009 ) . Schemes to give chances to socialize through societal, leisure and preparation activities help to turn to wider community and societal wells might include over 60s nines supplying activities runing from Tai Chi to adult art categories. Network Centres set up societal webs for older people which improve assurance and wellbeing and the DWP study concludes that people are â€Å"empowered when new or stronger bonds are created between themselves and the community in which they live† ( Willis and Dalziel, p.45 ) . Other illustrations of active engagement demonstrate older people have an active function in local determination devising and commissioning of services. The Gateshead Older People’s Assembly for illustration was funded to measure the rightness, handiness and effectivity of services for older people in the part. The benefits were double – the Assembly allowed a figure of persons the chance to go involved in exciting research and survey activities, whilst the decisions were feedback into local service procurance, guaranting that the positions of the wider population of older people were being heard ( Willis and Dalziel, 2009 ) . Criticisms and Obstacles Whilst most of the grounds points towards active engagement being a positive chance for persons there are some concerns about how it might delivered and that there will be obstructions to existent and effectual active engagement. Some observers suggest that the whole personalisation docket will merely bind up societal workers in outlining support programs and helping with fundss, instead than supplying a more person-centred societal work support, whilst there are besides concerns that the debut of personal budgets will be seized upon by person who have motivations other than the wellbeing of services users ( Needham, 2010 ) . There are besides concerns that personalisation is merely a manner of implementing public sector budget cuts and presenting a degree of consumerism into societal attention for vulnerable people. The accent on persons pull offing their ain fundss could perchance take to fiscal maltreatment or merely people mishandling their personal budgets ( Needham, 2010 ) . Even outside of societal attention, a misanthropic position of promoting people to happen their ain ways of take parting in the community could be that it is merely a manner for the province to retreat from proviso of leisure services and have people fund and pull off them themselves. A concluding concern around active engagement is that it could take to discrimination against vulnerable groups if they were to go more active and seeable in the community. Services users with physical and learning disablement who try to pull off their ain attention in the community may be investigation to physical, emotional or fiscal maltreatment by neighbors and Burton et Al. ( 2012 ) besides suggest that handicapped people seeking to populate ordinary lives in the community, and take parting in community activities, may do some ill will. Decisions The grounds available suggests that engagement is a positive thing. The applies every bit to engagement in service bringing and reappraisal for those in demand of societal attention, and to those in the community who merely wish to stay active members of the community. In societal attention, the personalisation docket and the move towards autonomous support and personal budgets has promoted active engagement. It puts single service users in greater control of what services they receive and allows services user groups to hold a greater say in how services are commissioned and delivered. This benefits persons as it allows them to hold a existent say in how they receive support ; it should besides help the administrations that provide services to develop and better the services that they provide. Similar rules apply in societal attention proviso for kids and immature people, as active engagement allows their voices to be heard and should give determination shapers a better apprehension of what is needed to back up vulnerable immature people It is of import to observe that active engagement in societal attention can be linked into some basic societal attention values. Good societal work pattern should affect seting the person foremost ( SCIE, 2012 ) and enterprises such as personalisation and can assist show a committedness to esteem for the single and self-government. Social workers that encourage active engagement will by and large be showing a person-centred or child-centred attack that will enable an effectual and non-discriminatory relationship with the person that they are seeking to assist. Again, this is farther grounds that active engagement is mostly good to the person. Active engagement for people outside of the societal attention system besides appears to hold a positive consequence on people’s lives. It promotes societal inclusion and the grounds suggests that being active in the community promotes well-being and helps people to populate more fulfilling lives. In a modern, democratic society, there is no ground why active engagement should non be platitude. It demonstrates that as a society we value the positions and sentiments of all citizens and that when people need support, they can hold a say in how it is provided, instead than the province merely enforcing a service that may non run into the individual’s need. By promoting more general engagement in society, active engagement besides demonstrates that we value the input of all members of society into the community, irrespective of age or disablement. Cynics might reason that active engagement is a manner for local and cardinal authorities to salvage money and pass the burden for some undertakings back to service users and the local community. Whilst their might be an component of truth in this, the world is that active engagement is mostly a positive development. Many citizens want to take part in determination devising both for themselves and their local communities and the grounds suggests that this engagement produces good results. Bibliography Audit Commission. ( 2004 ) .Older Peoples – Independence and Well-being – the challenge for public services. London: Audit Commission Publications Beresford, P. ( 2001 ) . Service users, societal policy and the hereafter of public assistance.Critical Social Policy, 21 ( 4 ) : 494–512. Burton, J. , Toscano, T. and Zonouzi, M. ( 2012 )Personalisation for Social Workers.Hymen: Open University Press. Department of Health. ( 2001 ) .National Service Framework for Older Peoples.London: TSO Department of Health. ( 2006 ) .Our Health, Our Care Our Say.London: TSO Department of Health. ( 2011 ) .Caring for our hereafter: Shared aspirations for attention and support.London: TSO Leadbetter, M. ( 2004 )Personalisation Through Participation. London: Demonstrations Millward, L. ( 2005 ) . Just because we are amateurs does nt intend we are nt professional : the importance of adept militants in tenant engagement.Public Administration, 83 ( 3 ) : 735–751. Needham, S. ( 2011 ) .Personalizing Public Services,Bristol: Policy Imperativeness McNeish, D. ( 1999 ) .From rhetoric to world: Participatory attacks to wellness publicity with immature people.London: Health Education Authority. Mordey, M. A ; Crutchfield, J. ( 2004 ) . User engagement in supported lodging.Housing, Care and Support, 7 ( 1 ) : 7–10 Roberts, K. ( 2002 ) . Researching engagement: older people on discharge from infirmary.Journal of Advanced Nursing, 40 ( 4 ) : 413–420. Roulstone, A. , Hudson, V. , Kearney, J. , Martin, A. , with A ; Warren, J. ( 2006 ) .Working Together: Carer Participation in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. London: Care Institute for Excellence. SCIE ( 2004 )SCIE Participation Strategy[ online ] Available: [ hypertext transfer protocol: // ] accessed 10ThursdayOctober 2014 SCIE ( 2012 ) .Personalisation: A Rough Guide. [ on-line ] Available: [ hypertext transfer protocol: // ] accessed 10ThursdayOctober 2014 Willis M. and Dalziel, R. ( 2009 )LinkAge Plus: Capacity edifice – enabling and authorising older people as independent and active citizens. DWP Research Report 571[ online ] Available: [ hypertext transfer protocol: // ] accessed 9ThursdayOctober Wright, P. , Tirner, C. , Clay, D. and Mills H. ( 2005 )The engagement of kids and immature people in developing societal attention. SCIE Participation Practice Guide 06[ online ] Available: [ hypertext transfer protocol: // ] accessed 10ThursdayOctober 2014

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Troubled Succession of Charles V of Spain

The Troubled Succession of Charles V of Spain By the time he was 20, in 1520, Charles V ruled the largest collection of European land since Charlemagne over 700 years earlier. Charles was Duke of Burgundy, King of the Spanish Empire and the Habsburg territories, which included Austria and Hungary, as well as Holy Roman Emperor; he continued to acquire more land throughout his life. Problematically for Charles, but interestingly for historians, he acquired these lands piecemeal - there was no one single inheritance - and many of the territories were independent countries with their own systems of government and little common interest. This empire, or monarchia, may have brought Charles power, but it also caused him great problems. The Succession to Spain Charles inherited the Spanish Empire in 1516; this included peninsular Spain, Naples, several islands in the Mediterranean and large tracts of America. Although Charles had a clear right to inherit, the manner in which he did so caused upset: in 1516 Charles became regent of the Spanish Empire on his mentally ill mother’s behalf. Just a few months later, with his mother still alive, Charles declared himself king. Charles Causes Problems The manner of Charles’ rise to the throne caused upset, with some Spaniards wishing for his mother to remain in power; others supported Charles’ infant brother as heir. On the other hand, there were many who flocked to the court of the new king. Charles caused more problems in the manner in which he initially governed the kingdom: some feared he was inexperienced, and some Spaniards feared Charles would focus on his other lands, such as those he stood to inherit from Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian. These fears were exacerbated by the time it took Charles to put aside his other business and travel to Spain for the very first time: eighteen months. Charles caused other, much more tangible, problems when he arrived in 1517. He promised a gathering of towns called the Cortes that he wouldn’t appoint foreigners to important positions; he then issued letters naturalizing certain foreigners and appointed them to important positions. Furthermore, having been granted a large subsidy to the crown by the Cortes of Castile in 1517, Charles broke with tradition and asked for another large payment while the first was being paid. He’d so far spent little time in Castile and the money was to finance his claim to the Holy Roman throne, a foreign adventure feared by Castilians. This, and his weakness when it came to resolving internal conflicts between the towns and nobles, caused great upset. The Revolt of the Comuneros 1520-1 During the years 1520 - 21, Spain experienced a major rebellion within its Castilian kingdom, an uprising that has been described as the largest urban revolt in early modern Europe. (Bonney, The European Dynastic States, Longman, 1991, p. 414) Although certainly true, this statement obscures a later, but still significant, rural component. There is still debate on how close the revolt came to succeeding, but this rebellion of Castilian towns - who formed their own local councils, or communes - included a true mix of contemporary mismanagement, historical rivalry, and political self-interest. Charles wasn’t completely to blame, as pressure had grown over the last half-century when towns felt themselves increasingly losing power versus the nobility and the crown. The Rise of the Holy League Riots against Charles had begun before he had even left Spain in 1520, and as the riots spread, towns began rejecting his government and forming their own: councils called comuneros. In June 1520, as nobles remained quiet, hoping to profit from the chaos, the comuneros met and formed themselves together in the Santa Junta (Holy League). Charles’ regent sent an army to deal with the rebellion, but this lost the propaganda war when it started a fire that gutted Medina del Campo. More towns then joined the Santa Junta. As the rebellion spread in the north of Spain, the Santa Junta initially tried to get Charles V’s mother, the old queen, on their  side for support. When this failed, the Santa Junta sent a list of demands to Charles, a list intended to keep him king and moderate his actions and make him more Spanish. The demands included Charles returning to Spain and giving the Cortes a much greater role in government. Rural Rebellion and Failure As the rebellion grew larger, cracks appeared in the alliance of towns as each had their own agenda. The pressure of supplying troops also began to tell. The rebellion spread into the countryside, where people directed their violence against the nobility as well as the king. This was a mistake, as the nobles who had been content to let the revolt carry on now reacted against the new threat. It was the nobles who exploited Charles to negotiate a  settlement and a noble led army which crushed the comuneros  in battle. The revolt was effectively over after the Santa Junta was defeated in battle at Villalar in April 1521, although pockets remained until early 1522. The reaction of Charles wasn’t harsh given the standards of the day, and the towns kept many of their privileges.  However, the Cortes was never to gain any further power and became a glorified bank for the king. The Germania Charles faced another rebellion which occurred at the same time as the Comunero Revolt, in a smaller and less financially important region of Spain. This was the Germania, born out of a militia created to fight Barbary pirates, a council which wanted to create a Venice like city-state, and class anger as much as a dislike of Charles. The rebellion was crushed by the nobility without much crown help. 1522: Charles Returns Charles returned to Spain in 1522 to find royal power restored. Over the next few  years, he worked to change the relationship between himself and the Spaniards, learning Castilian, marrying an Iberian woman and calling Spain the heart of his empire. The towns were bowed and could be reminded of what they had done if ever they opposed Charles, and the nobles had fought their way to a closer relationship with him.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

A descriptive account of the identification and utilisation of a Essay

A descriptive account of the identification and utilisation of a learning opportunity from practice - Essay Example This paper would roughly follow Gibb’s model of reflective cycle since this was supposedly more useful to the less experienced practitioner. Lynn Basford and Oliver Slevin described the five stages of the Gibbs model in reappraising the care given and in analyzing and evaluating the effectiveness of a particular care in their book called Theory and Practice of Nursing. (2003, p. 55) I will, therefore, be discussing my personal learning experience in the context of these stages. My responsibilities in the four-week nursing placement program include the assistance in conducting activities, exercises as well as therapies that would improve the patients’ mental health conditions. The placement care team which I belong to is assigned a roster of clients. With the supervision of our tutors, we divided and allocated tasks regarding activities and exercises. I would like to cite my experience with a particular patient, whom for purposes of confidentiality; I would refer to as Barbara. She is one of the wards assigned to our team and hers became one of my interesting learning interactions. I believe we had a bad start due to her mental condition. Firstly, she is 31 years old, almost ten years my senior. Her dossier revealed a Prader-Willi syndrome and a challenging behavior. This posed a considerable problem for us because she is capable both of verbal and physical aggression. Naturally, most in my group are reluctant to have anything to do with her – administering in exercises and therapy sessions, preferring older but docile patients. With this in mind, I sat down and thought: If I volunteer to assist in her case, there is a remarkable risk, possibly even of violence (unlike those with extreme mental condition, she is unpredictable but not totally restrained.). But there is also a tremendous learning opportunity, so the idea tha t maybe I would be involving myself with

Friday, November 1, 2019

Russian revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Russian revolution - Essay Example 'What Is Happening in Russia' was one of many documents written and published by Vladimir Lenin while he lived outside of Russia; these were distributed throughout his home country and eagerly awaited by the activists and Communist thinkers he had left behind. It was with this chapter that Lenin first publicly commented on the events that had occurred prior to publishing; specifically the worker protests that had occurred in Russia between the self-declared proletariat and the Czarist forces. The military forces triumphed, but Lenin and the rest of the world looked on the Russian activists as the instigators to a revolution that was only just beginning. Students of the Russian Revolution have always read reflective essays and texts concerning the events that led up to the Russian Revolution, but rarely do they have a glimpse of first-hand doctrine and commentary from that era, specifically in the years before the major conflicts. Not only do primary sources heighten the learning experience and give first-hand context to historical events, but to read the words and thoughts of someone as integral to the Russian Revolution as Vladimir Lenin gives an entirely new slant to basic course studies. Through this piece of writing, one can get a feel not only for the attitude of Russians at the time, but of foreign countrymen as well. At the time Lenin wrote this piece, he had been a victim of prejudice for his political views for so long and to such an extreme extent that he didn't feel safe living in Russia anymore. His writing was a way for him to stay connected with the Communists at home in Russia and to continue inspiring them to want change. Lenin believed that the masses in Russia were largely unaware of their poor position in the strict class society, but that with persuasion they were slowly coming to terms with it and looking for a way out. The worker protests that occurred in the early 20th century clearly gave Lenin hope and a small sense of pride in his countrymen for their efforts. He did believe, however, that the failure of these protests called for pause and reflection so that future revolts might be more successful. When 'What Is Happening in Russia' was published, it was before the major events of the Russian Revolution had yet occurred; because of the timing of this piece of writing, students will be able to cultivate an excellent knowledge of the atmosphere of the times. Lenin references the growing unrest among Russian workers towards their classist, Czarist system, as well as their growing willingness to become proactive in changing their own lives and the lives of millions of disenfranchised Russians across the entire country. He refers to the Communist activists as "taking their first tentative steps" towards change and equality, "defining their objectives" in protest. Because of his position outside the country at the time, Lenin makes several references to international misunderstandings of the Russian state of mind, explaining that although foreign newspapers were mixing up their terms in reference to Russia and its protests, the basic opinion of the international community was that these outbursts of the public were the beginning of something bigger. He

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Political Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Political Studies - Essay Example he significance that such an analysis holds from the American political standpoint is of course a greater and more complete understanding of how different legislative political bodies gain and lose influence over time. Just as with the United States Congress merely 100 years ago, the amount of power it held was highly disproportional to the position it currently occupies. In this way, viewing a small period of time such as the one that has been displayed within the ebb and flow of the power dynamics of the House of Lords helps the researcher to understand the causal mechanisms that seek to exacerbate and/or weaken political structures over time (MacLean 47). Similarly, as in the case that the author relates, the resulting power structures necessitated changes of their own as a means to seek to incorporate this new and differentiated power into the governmental structure that already existed. In this way, the researcher can note that a change was necessitated not only within the House of Lords as a function of how it saw its role within the structure of governance but also with the remainder of the government as it sought to rapidly integrate and differentiate this altered entity into the power structure that currently existed. In this way, it becomes obvious that regardless of the individual gains and losses that key structures make within the political composition of a given nation (to include the United States), the remainder of the actors will necessarily rapidly seek to accommodate such a change and work to carve out a different power structure and dynamic from the changes that have taken place. 2. Your own argument in reference to whether you agree with the author’s conclusion or not, and why. This argument must be backed up by significant content. This means all assertions and statements that are made in your paper need to be backed up by detailed explanations, quotes, and/or statistics. The author begins by laying out a series of reasons for why the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Understand and meet the nutritional requirements Essay Example for Free

Understand and meet the nutritional requirements Essay 1. 1-. Cognitive means the affect that dementia has on thinking skills e. g. memory, understanding etc. Functional is about the ability to perform actions such as feeding themselves. Emotional is about how they feel and react e. g. confusion can cause distress and aggression. As dementia progresses, eating and drinking can become difficult for some people. This factsheet looks at some of the difficulties that people with dementia may have with eating and drinking, and suggests ways to help. A person with dementia may no longer recognise the food in front of them. They may struggle to use a knife and fork as co-ordination becomes difficult. The person may not open their mouths as food approaches and may need reminding to do so. Food may be difficult to chew or swallow or they may not want to accept assistance with eating. 1. 2. Dementia can greatly affect a persons relationship to food and eating. The behavioural, emotional and physical changes that take place as dementia progresses can all have an impact upon a persons eating habits and on their intake of food and drink. It is important to do what you can to make sure that the person you are caring for enjoys their food and eats a healthy, balanced diet. Read more:Â  Essay About Nutritional Requirements As dementia progresses eating can become difficult for some people. However, by making a few changes you can help keep mealtimes as enjoyable and stress free as possible. 1-3-. Physical discomfort The person may be having problems with badly fitting dentures, sore gums or painful teeth, all of which will make eating uncomfortable. Lack of exercise If the person is not very active during the day, they may not feel hungry. Try to encourage them to move around during the day and take part in physical activities or exercise. 1. 4- culture, Identify and respect personal, cultural, and religious food preferences, such as eating tortillas instead of bread, avoiding pork or milk products, and not liking certain kinds of vegetables. Many caregivers have found that maintaining a sense of normality adds to mealtime pleasure, provides reassurance, helps maintain the person’s dignity, increases food consumption, and eases the tension that often arises during mealtimes 1. 5- The importance of adding a variety of food and drink – To maintain the individuals choice and Help the person drink plenty of fluids throughout the day—dehydration can lead to problems such as increased constipation, confusion, and dizziness. 2. 1- Mealtime cultures such as having strict meal times and sizes, a certain number of courses and in a certain order may not adhere to the needs of a person with dementia, their tastes may of changes and they may not wish to eat meals set out in a traditional fashion, they may not want to eat at the same time as everyone else or they may want to eat small amounts more often 2. 2- Assessing the mealtime situation can help caregivers identify and resolve problems and understand what is happening from the care recipient’s perspective. the visual aspects of the environment—for example, whether there is poor room lighting, too much glare or too many shadows in the room or on the table, unneeded items or too many food choices on the table, distracting patterns in the place setting, or too little colour contrast between the food and the dishes, how the food smells, tastes, and feels, If the care recipient has difficulty using utensils, replace some foods with finger foods such as small sandwiches, cheese, hard-boiled eggs, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Simple adaptive eating tools also can help some people remain independent and maintain a sense of personal control while dining. These include items such as plates with large rims, cups with lids and wide bases, flexible straws, utensils with large or built-up handles, and non-slip placemats or suction cups to keep dishes from moving on the table. 2. 3-Person centred approach -As dementia progresses, eating and drinking can become difficult for some people. A person with dementia may no longer recognise the food in front of them. They may Struggle to use a knife and fork as co-ordination becomes difficult. The person may not open Their mouths as food approaches and may need reminding to do so. Food may be difficult to Chew or swallow or they may not want to accept assistance with eating. If you are supporting a person with dementia at mealtimes it is important to remember that these reactions are not a deliberate attempt to be ‘difficult’, or a personal attack. The difficulties are likely to be related to changes caused by the person’s dementia. When supporting a person at mealtimes it can be a challenge to identify what the problem is, particularly if the person themselves is finding it difficult to find the words to explain, Meals should be relaxed and unhurried. Allow plenty of time and make sure that there are no distractions such as a television or excess noise in the background, do not feel you need to prepare elaborate meals – it is probably better to devote your energy to ensuring that the person eats and enjoys their food. Preferences and styles of eating may change, try to be flexible. If you have to assist a person to eat and drink, talk about what you are offering them to help remind them of tastes and flavours.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales :: Essays Papers

Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales is about an unrelated group of twenty-nine pilgrims traveling together on a pilgrimage. One of the major aspects of the journey is the unique diversity of the characters. There are knights, nuns, monks, lower-class tradesman and single women. They interact together and tell each other their tales. GRAPH According to the Norton Anthology, "Chaucer's original plan for The Canterbury Tales projected about one hundred twenty stories two for each pilgrim to tell on the way to Canterbury and two more on the way back. Chaucer actually completed only twenty-two, although two more exist in fragments" (Norton 79). One of the characteristics that makes Chaucer's work so convincing is his ability to present characters that have real life qualities. Many women can relate to the Wife of Bath, and many college students can relate to the Squire with his lady friends. The narrator of the tales is Geoffrey Chaucer himself: but he speaks though a variety of media: "...Chaucer's pilgrim narrators represent a wide spectrum of ranks and occupations. The great variety of tales is matched by the diversity of their tellers; tales are assigned to appropriate narrators and juxtaposed to bring out contrasts in genre, style, tone and values" (Norton 79). The opinions about Chaucer as the pilgrim and as the poet are very different. Chaucer the Pilgrim is the narrator of the tales, and he must give an accurate description of what is going on, even if he disagrees with the character's action. First Chaucer the Pilgrim talks about nature and the seasons. He tells us that he is joined by several people on a journey to Canterbury. He talks about all the people involved in the pilgrimage. First he talks about the knight and then Chaucer talks about the knight's son, then the Yeoman, the Wife of Bath, the Monk, the Merchant, and the Clerk. Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales :: Essays Papers Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales is about an unrelated group of twenty-nine pilgrims traveling together on a pilgrimage. One of the major aspects of the journey is the unique diversity of the characters. There are knights, nuns, monks, lower-class tradesman and single women. They interact together and tell each other their tales. GRAPH According to the Norton Anthology, "Chaucer's original plan for The Canterbury Tales projected about one hundred twenty stories two for each pilgrim to tell on the way to Canterbury and two more on the way back. Chaucer actually completed only twenty-two, although two more exist in fragments" (Norton 79). One of the characteristics that makes Chaucer's work so convincing is his ability to present characters that have real life qualities. Many women can relate to the Wife of Bath, and many college students can relate to the Squire with his lady friends. The narrator of the tales is Geoffrey Chaucer himself: but he speaks though a variety of media: "...Chaucer's pilgrim narrators represent a wide spectrum of ranks and occupations. The great variety of tales is matched by the diversity of their tellers; tales are assigned to appropriate narrators and juxtaposed to bring out contrasts in genre, style, tone and values" (Norton 79). The opinions about Chaucer as the pilgrim and as the poet are very different. Chaucer the Pilgrim is the narrator of the tales, and he must give an accurate description of what is going on, even if he disagrees with the character's action. First Chaucer the Pilgrim talks about nature and the seasons. He tells us that he is joined by several people on a journey to Canterbury. He talks about all the people involved in the pilgrimage. First he talks about the knight and then Chaucer talks about the knight's son, then the Yeoman, the Wife of Bath, the Monk, the Merchant, and the Clerk.