Friday, November 8, 2019

Describe How Active Participation Benefits An Individual Essay Example

Describe How Active Participation Benefits An Individual Essay Example Describe How Active Participation Benefits An Individual Essay Describe How Active Participation Benefits An Individual Essay Introduction Recent decennaries have seen a greater accent on service user engagement than had antecedently been the instance ( Beresford, 2001 ) . In the yesteryear, determination devising in societal attention and associated policy development had been led by practicians, politicians and faculty members, with service users and citizens holding minimum say in what services they received and how services were provided ( Beresford, 2001 ) . This survey examines how active engagement of service users has developed over the last 20-30 old ages and how the advancement made in encouraging engagement has benefited persons and the overall quality of service proviso. For the intents of this survey, there is chiefly a focal point on the service user as the person who engages in active engagement although it should be accepted that household members and carers have their ain offprint and sometimes conflicting demands for engagement ( Roulstone et al. , 2006 ) . Service users are described by Beresford ( 2001, p.9 ) as â€Å"people who receive or are eligible to have societal attention services† and it is of import to observe that people can self-identify as a service user. However, active engagement of people outside of the wellness and societal attention sphere will besides be discussed as there is grounds that engagement in community activities can be good to citizens who are non in reception of societal attention services. Policy and Legislation A displacement towards more active engagement has a footing in the policies and statute law introduced under New Labour. Government took a position that greater engagement would be a manner of increasing the figure of citizens who would be active citizens ( Millward, 2005 ) and the Health and Social Care Act 2001 was at the head of widening service user pick and the enablement of people to make up ones mind on their ain services through strategies such as Direct Payments. Other relevant statute law and counsel has included the White PaperOur Health, Our Care Our Say( Department of Health, 2006 ) ;Valuing Peoples( Department of Health, 2001 ) ; theNational Service Framework for Older Peoples( Department of Health, 2001 ) . With specific mention to societal attention,Puting Peoples First( 2007 ) set out a committedness to closer working between cardinal and local authorities, and the wellness and societal attention sectors, aboard better partnership working with service users and carer s. More late, under the Coalition Government audiences such asA vision for societal attention: Capable communities and active citizens( DH, 2010 ) andCaring for our hereafter: Shared aspirations for attention and support( DH, 2011 ) have continued to promote engagement with an outlook that it can assist people to populate healthier and more independent lives. It is apparent from cross-party support that active engagement is something supported across the political spectrum. Engagement is seen as something that encourages better citizenship and it can besides be argued that it offers a signifier of low degree democracy. Engagement is besides something that pulls back direct province intercession in people’s lives. What is Active Participation? Active engagement can be defined in a figure of ways and can be related to both persons who are in reception of wellness and societal attention services and those who live independently in the community without service proviso. Definitions such as ‘consultation’ , ‘partnership’ and ‘involvement’ are frequently used to explicate engagement ( Roberts, 2002 ) . In societal attention footings engagement might be seen as leting and single to hold control over twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours determinations such as what clip repasts would be taken or when personal attention services would be delivered ; at a more strategic degree, engagement might affect giving a say in how services are commissioned and delivered to a wider group of service users ( Mordey and Crutchfield, 2004 ) . Service user audience groups or local forums for citizens to discourse how services are prioritised and delivered are illustrations of this broader degree of active en gagement. The Social Care Institute for Excellence ( SCIE ) has developed some utile definitions for engagement. It uses the word engagement as being â€Å"to talk about actively working together on a peculiar undertaking or activity† ( SCIE 2004, p.2 ) . It besides sets out a figure of cardinal values and rules which should inform engagement work. These include a belief in citizenship ; the publicity of authorization ; developing a human rights civilization in societal attention ; giving equal precedence to all sentiment ; developing new attacks to engagement ; being inclusive ; and doing it clear what people can and can non be involved in ( SCIE 2004 ) . The concluding point is of import. Active engagement is justly seen as a positive development for service users but there still has to be a line where administrations can do determinations irrespective of service user engagement. Adult safeguarding is an illustration of this, where sometimes determinations may hold to be made without the engagement of an person in order to protect his or her public assistance. However, the nexus between engagement and societal work values is a positive 1. It suggests that engagement is grounded in a committedness to human rights and equality, something that should convey benefits to the persons who take up the chance to take part. SCIE besides draws a differentiation between the different types of engagement that can be found in societal attention, proposing that engagement can run from supplying information and actively listening to serve user positions, to supplying aid or even fiscal support to let people to research or supply services ( SCIE, 2004 ) . Engagement can besides be applied to a scope of service user groups including older people, kids and households, people with disablements and people with drug and intoxicant abuse jobs ( SCIE, 2004 ) . The Personalisation Agenda The personalisation docket in wellness and societal attention has been critical in advancing the thought of active engagement. Personalisation is chiefly a new manner of supplying societal attention support which puts the individual necessitating a service at the Centre of the appraisal procedure and allows persons and their carers a existent say in placing their demands and doing picks about how services will be provided ( Carr, 2010 ) . It recognises that people are persons with diverse strengths and penchants, and aims to authorise people through better proviso of information and protagonism, early intercession to acquire the right support in topographic point and besides recognizing the rights of carers ( SCIE, 2012 ) . Given these purposes of personalisation, one of the cardinal benefits for the person would be holding greater control over services provided and accordingly there being a greater opportunity of the rights services being provided, with positive results. Another car dinal point about personalisation and engagement is that it still has to be facilitated by bureaus and policy shapers. Equally much as people may desire to take part in service bringing or more merely merely in community work, they still require the tools to make so and besides the liberty to do their ain determinations. Benefits of Engagement Greater engagement in how services are delivered can convey a figure of benefits to service users. Active engagement can assist develop more customer/service user-friendly versions of bing services and give persons more say in how their services are run and how they can entree them. Participation gives service users – who are besides tax-payers – a greater say on how money is spent on services in their country and besides helps persons go co-designers and co-producers of the services that they use ( Leadbetter, 2004 ) . At a wider degree, it can be argued that active engagement allows for self-organization by communities, instead than service proviso being dictated by external bureaus or distant cardinal authorities. Engagement besides supports the development of greater citizenship. Engagement and influence over how public financess are spent can be seen as being an of import portion of the democratic procedure and the construct of citizenship lends itself to ideals of equity and corporate proviso which are embedded in public services. For the person, engagement in public service can increase a sense of civic fond regard and impress on the person what it means to be a member of a democratic society ( Leadbetter, 2004 ) . Engagement and Young Peoples Discussions around personalisation and engagement by and large have an accent on the engagement of grownup service users but active engagement can besides hold a positive impact for immature people who entree societal attention support and services. Legislation and counsel including the Children Act 1989 and the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child have a focal point on the child’s right to take part in determination devising and there are a figure of benefits for both immature people and the administrations that provide services. For immature people, active engagement can assist them derive new accomplishments and experience, develop assurance and influence the determinations that affect their lives. They can develop societal webs and get down to understand how organisations work. Engagement can besides quite merely be merriment for immature people, and it can assist them experience valued and empowered ( Wright et al. , 2005 ) . Active engagement can be peculiarly good for kids and immature people who might be consider as disadvantaged or vulnerable. Groups such as looked after kids, immature wrongdoers, attention departers, immature carers and homosexual and sapphic immature people are easy marginalised and many bureaus tend to direct them instead than prosecute with them. They face a figure of barriers to participation such as a deficiency of motive to prosecute ; misgiving of grownups and a feeling that their positions will non be listened to because of their past experiences ( McNeish, 1999 ) . Research surveies highlight a figure of positives from single engagement undertakings which could be used as a benchmark for future enterprises. In Hampshire for illustration, a Care Action Team ( CAT ) was established bring together members and officer from the County Council to work with people who were in, or had been in attention. Regular meetings to garner the positions of immature people led to a figure of betterments in how services to immature people were delivered. These included development of a new sleepover policy doing it easier for looked after kids to pass the dark with friends ; engagement of immature people in the review of children’s places, and a Children’s Homes Education Policy which improved the educational support for looked after kids. A more general betterment from the constitution of the CAT was that immature people developed a greater sense of worth and consciousness that they were non entirely in their experiences ( Wright et al. , 2005 ) . For administrations, promoting active engagement by immature people can besides convey betterments to serve bringing. It helps them go more antiphonal to the demands of kids and immature people ; it increases the handiness of administration and makes them more efficient in supplying effectual services ( Wright et al. , 2005 ) . Active Engagement in the Community Active engagement has benefits for society every bit good as the persons involved. We live in a state with an ageing population and many older people have greater outlook of both chance and support from public services in ulterior life. An Audit Commission study ( 2004, p.2 ) stated that â€Å"the displacement in proportion, composing and attitudes of the older age group has profound deductions for public services. We need to get down taking action now to determine things for the better† . Active engagement does non merely associate to people who are in demand or reception of societal attention services nevertheless. Engagement in the community can besides profit persons who do non necessitate societal attention proviso. Many older people for illustration, benefit from active engagement in their local communities and authorities surveies have suggested that active engagement is linked to the overall wellbeing of persons ( Audit Commission, 2004 ) . A figure of schemes can be developed to promote independency and engagement for older people. These can include work to back up people guaranting that they have a safe comfy place, and live in a vicinity near to friends and comfortss. Good public conveyance webs allow people to acquire out and about whilst societal and leisure activities promote societal inclusion. Information for older people on how to entree comfortss encourages active engagement as bash healthy life enterprises which help people to remain active and healthy ( Audit Commission, 2004 ) . Active engagement for older people is besides a manner of undertaking the agism that exists in society. Engagement allows people to experience valued and able to dispute stereotypes that older people offer less to society that younger people. Engagement allows them to hold a say in determinations made about them both as persons and as a wider group in society. A Department of Pensions study published in 2009 identified LinkAge Plus ( LAP ) pilots as enterprises which enable older people to go more active in their communities ( Willis and Dalziel, 2009 ) . Schemes to give chances to socialize through societal, leisure and preparation activities help to turn to wider community and societal wells might include over 60s nines supplying activities runing from Tai Chi to adult art categories. Network Centres set up societal webs for older people which improve assurance and wellbeing and the DWP study concludes that people are â€Å"empowered when new or stronger bonds are created between themselves and the community in which they live† ( Willis and Dalziel, p.45 ) . Other illustrations of active engagement demonstrate older people have an active function in local determination devising and commissioning of services. The Gateshead Older People’s Assembly for illustration was funded to measure the rightness, handiness and effectivity of services for older people in the part. The benefits were double – the Assembly allowed a figure of persons the chance to go involved in exciting research and survey activities, whilst the decisions were feedback into local service procurance, guaranting that the positions of the wider population of older people were being heard ( Willis and Dalziel, 2009 ) . Criticisms and Obstacles Whilst most of the grounds points towards active engagement being a positive chance for persons there are some concerns about how it might delivered and that there will be obstructions to existent and effectual active engagement. Some observers suggest that the whole personalisation docket will merely bind up societal workers in outlining support programs and helping with fundss, instead than supplying a more person-centred societal work support, whilst there are besides concerns that the debut of personal budgets will be seized upon by person who have motivations other than the wellbeing of services users ( Needham, 2010 ) . There are besides concerns that personalisation is merely a manner of implementing public sector budget cuts and presenting a degree of consumerism into societal attention for vulnerable people. The accent on persons pull offing their ain fundss could perchance take to fiscal maltreatment or merely people mishandling their personal budgets ( Needham, 2010 ) . Even outside of societal attention, a misanthropic position of promoting people to happen their ain ways of take parting in the community could be that it is merely a manner for the province to retreat from proviso of leisure services and have people fund and pull off them themselves. A concluding concern around active engagement is that it could take to discrimination against vulnerable groups if they were to go more active and seeable in the community. Services users with physical and learning disablement who try to pull off their ain attention in the community may be investigation to physical, emotional or fiscal maltreatment by neighbors and Burton et Al. ( 2012 ) besides suggest that handicapped people seeking to populate ordinary lives in the community, and take parting in community activities, may do some ill will. Decisions The grounds available suggests that engagement is a positive thing. The applies every bit to engagement in service bringing and reappraisal for those in demand of societal attention, and to those in the community who merely wish to stay active members of the community. In societal attention, the personalisation docket and the move towards autonomous support and personal budgets has promoted active engagement. It puts single service users in greater control of what services they receive and allows services user groups to hold a greater say in how services are commissioned and delivered. This benefits persons as it allows them to hold a existent say in how they receive support ; it should besides help the administrations that provide services to develop and better the services that they provide. Similar rules apply in societal attention proviso for kids and immature people, as active engagement allows their voices to be heard and should give determination shapers a better apprehension of what is needed to back up vulnerable immature people It is of import to observe that active engagement in societal attention can be linked into some basic societal attention values. Good societal work pattern should affect seting the person foremost ( SCIE, 2012 ) and enterprises such as personalisation and can assist show a committedness to esteem for the single and self-government. Social workers that encourage active engagement will by and large be showing a person-centred or child-centred attack that will enable an effectual and non-discriminatory relationship with the person that they are seeking to assist. Again, this is farther grounds that active engagement is mostly good to the person. Active engagement for people outside of the societal attention system besides appears to hold a positive consequence on people’s lives. It promotes societal inclusion and the grounds suggests that being active in the community promotes well-being and helps people to populate more fulfilling lives. In a modern, democratic society, there is no ground why active engagement should non be platitude. It demonstrates that as a society we value the positions and sentiments of all citizens and that when people need support, they can hold a say in how it is provided, instead than the province merely enforcing a service that may non run into the individual’s need. By promoting more general engagement in society, active engagement besides demonstrates that we value the input of all members of society into the community, irrespective of age or disablement. Cynics might reason that active engagement is a manner for local and cardinal authorities to salvage money and pass the burden for some undertakings back to service users and the local community. Whilst their might be an component of truth in this, the world is that active engagement is mostly a positive development. Many citizens want to take part in determination devising both for themselves and their local communities and the grounds suggests that this engagement produces good results. Bibliography Audit Commission. ( 2004 ) .Older Peoples – Independence and Well-being – the challenge for public services. London: Audit Commission Publications Beresford, P. ( 2001 ) . Service users, societal policy and the hereafter of public assistance.Critical Social Policy, 21 ( 4 ) : 494–512. Burton, J. , Toscano, T. and Zonouzi, M. ( 2012 )Personalisation for Social Workers.Hymen: Open University Press. Department of Health. ( 2001 ) .National Service Framework for Older Peoples.London: TSO Department of Health. ( 2006 ) .Our Health, Our Care Our Say.London: TSO Department of Health. ( 2011 ) .Caring for our hereafter: Shared aspirations for attention and support.London: TSO Leadbetter, M. ( 2004 )Personalisation Through Participation. London: Demonstrations Millward, L. ( 2005 ) . Just because we are amateurs does nt intend we are nt professional : the importance of adept militants in tenant engagement.Public Administration, 83 ( 3 ) : 735–751. Needham, S. ( 2011 ) .Personalizing Public Services,Bristol: Policy Imperativeness McNeish, D. ( 1999 ) .From rhetoric to world: Participatory attacks to wellness publicity with immature people.London: Health Education Authority. Mordey, M. A ; Crutchfield, J. ( 2004 ) . User engagement in supported lodging.Housing, Care and Support, 7 ( 1 ) : 7–10 Roberts, K. ( 2002 ) . Researching engagement: older people on discharge from infirmary.Journal of Advanced Nursing, 40 ( 4 ) : 413–420. Roulstone, A. , Hudson, V. , Kearney, J. , Martin, A. , with A ; Warren, J. ( 2006 ) .Working Together: Carer Participation in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. London: Care Institute for Excellence. SCIE ( 2004 )SCIE Participation Strategy[ online ] Available: [ hypertext transfer protocol: // ] accessed 10ThursdayOctober 2014 SCIE ( 2012 ) .Personalisation: A Rough Guide. [ on-line ] Available: [ hypertext transfer protocol: // ] accessed 10ThursdayOctober 2014 Willis M. and Dalziel, R. ( 2009 )LinkAge Plus: Capacity edifice – enabling and authorising older people as independent and active citizens. DWP Research Report 571[ online ] Available: [ hypertext transfer protocol: // ] accessed 9ThursdayOctober Wright, P. , Tirner, C. , Clay, D. and Mills H. ( 2005 )The engagement of kids and immature people in developing societal attention. SCIE Participation Practice Guide 06[ online ] Available: [ hypertext transfer protocol: // ] accessed 10ThursdayOctober 2014

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